Conference 3 by Gymnastics club Inova-Gim Oseijk in online Oseijk (CRO)

10.00-10.15 Saša Solar, coach and sports director of the club / Nenad Solar, coach and president of the club
- Greetings
- Short introduction about the club (video, establishment, leadership, membership, position in the city and HGS, best results, club and gymnastics as a family business and love)
10.20-11.00 Ivana Solar, journalist / Goran Solar, coach and club secretary
- Relations and manner of acting towards the media, acting and communication with existing and potential members of the club
- Method of control and management of members through a specialized online program (membership fees, statistics and feedback, news, direct communication with parents of the club members)
11.00-11.45 Karla Vojedilov / Boris Bukovec / Goran Solar, coaches
- Presentation of all club programs (from preschool program to the high level gymnastics)
- Recreational and gymnastics as love, psychophysically healthy life, socializing, satisfaction of children, young people and coaches in our club
- Specifics of work and relationships with members during the lockdown (motivation and training from the youngest to the competitors) and action towards the motivation of parents to be support and encouragement for children to work online
11.45-12.00 Short break
12.00-13.00 Saša Solar, coach / Almir Atiković (BIH), president of GK Tuzla
- Development and state of gymnastics in Ex Yugoslavia (Saša – short introduction / Almir – more details)
- Continuation of the development of certain new states that emerged after the disintegration of Yugoslavia – focused on Croatia and the city of Osijek
Saša Solar, coach
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.30 Sasa Solar, coach
Croatian, gymnastics federation – structure, numerical statistics, results, plans
14.30-15.50 Tin Srbić, national team member, HB world champion, Montreal 2017, WCh Studgart 2nd place-HB, European championships – 2 silver medals-HB / Renato Prpić, national team member-finalist of Junior ECh and WCup tournaments / Mauro Nemčanin, national team member-finalist of Junior Ech, EYOF silver medalist
- Specifics of the current gymnasts situation:
- Tin Srbić – motivation and training after great top results, and before the Tokyo Olympics
- Renato Prpić – motivation and plans after complicated arm surgery
- Mauro Nemčanin – motivation and plans after great junior results related to injury and fist surgery
- Questions and answers !!
15.00-15.30 Nenad Solar, club president, brevet judge
15.30-16.00 Closing word (Nenad, Saša, Ivana) + our friends from Bosnia, Slovenia, Netherlands, Sweden